Vue.js is one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks for building web user interfaces. That is one reason to start learning Vue.js during this spring’s Web Academy program.
Count on Pentalog’s trainers to teach you everything you need to know about Vue.js. The coding classes are FREE and open to everyone in Moldova with a passion for front-end development.
At Pentalog, we believe everyone deserves access to valuable and free education. This time, we will help you take your HTML, CSS & JavaScript skills to the next level by learning an increasingly popular JavaScript front-end framework, Vue.js!
If you are unfamiliar with Vue.js or JavaScript libraries and frameworks in general, if you are an IT student or a specialist in the field and you are ready to improve your skills and expand your horizons, then Web Academy is for you!
We’re launching the Vue.js track because it is one of the most popular topics in the web front-end space and it aims to be a really fun and easy to use JavaScript framework for user interfaces. Vue is also the framework that the most JavaScript developers said they wanted to learn in 2018.
Why Learn Vue.js?
Easy to get up and running
It’s clean and readable
It’s flexible and less opinionated
It benefits of a strong open-source community
The learning curve is friendly and we’ll make the process fun for you.
Vue apps can be effectively built with ES5, the standard of JavaScript that almost every browser in existence supports.
Web Academy Gives You More!
While most online tutorials cover the basics of the framework, the purpose of this Vue.js Web Academy is to present all the concepts related to building a real & production-ready application.
The main topics of the course includes talks and exercises covering:
Modern HTML, CSS and SCSS
JS patterns
Templating (themes, splitting, filters, data binding, slots)
…and more
During this training program, we will create a fun, exciting, and challenging project, allowing you to apply everything you learn instantly, from the very first app components to its deployment in the cloud.
The course lasts 6 weeks and consists of three learning sessions per week, all taking place at Pentalog’s Chisinau office.
Our team of Vue.js trainers, experienced developers, will guide you through every step, mentoring you and answer all your questions. They will assist you off program too, anytime you need help.
Want to join the Vue.js Web Academy? Register now!
March 18, 2019 at 6:09 pm EDTBuna ziua, la ce ora vor avea loc cursurile?
Floriana Scanteie
March 22, 2019 at 4:11 pm EDTBuna ziua! Cursurile vor avea loc in fiecare luni, miercuri si vineri, intre orele 17:00 si 19:00, la sediul Pentalog din Chisinau. Track-ul de Vue.js va incepe pe 15 aprilie. Multa bafta!
March 21, 2019 at 12:30 pm EDTCan I find out what time classes will be held and in which language? Thanking in advance.
Floriana Scanteie
March 22, 2019 at 4:07 pm EDTHello, Catherine, The Vue.js classes will be held in Romanian, at Pentalog’s office in Chisinau, starting with April 15th until May 29th. We’ll meet with the participants 3 times per week: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, between 17:00 and 19:00. We’ll also update the landing page with the track’s program. Thank you for your interest in our Vue.js classes and hope to see you there.
Laura Munteanu
March 27, 2019 at 11:54 am EDTBuna ziua, Aveti acelasi program de training disponibil si pentru Cluj-Napoca sau aveti stabilita vreo data ulterioara cand s-ar putea desfasura? Multumesc frumos.
Floriana Scanteie
March 28, 2019 at 3:17 pm EDTBuna ziua, Laura, Web Academy se desfasoara, deocamdata, in Republica Moldova. Te rog sa urmaresti site-ul si retelele de social media ale Pentalog pentru ca acolo vom anunta cursurile si stagiile pe care le pregatim.
Sahaidac Maria
March 27, 2019 at 6:27 pm EDTLa ce pret sunt cursurile?
Floriana Scanteie
March 28, 2019 at 2:10 pm EDTBuna ziua, Maria! Cursurile sunt gratuite! Te invit sa te inscrii!